cd ~/debugthis
Last updated on 17 Aug 2021
Next - FOSS
Spotify Desktop Notification
Spotify desktop notifications - Part 1
D-Bus - Part 2
Album Art - Part 3
Notification - Part 4
SQLite Database
KDE: Bing image as a wallpaper
The Hard Way
1 - Introduction
2 - Client tools
3 - Network resources
4.1 - Compute instances
4.2 - Terraform outputs
4.3 - Terraform variables
5 - Certificate Authority
6.1 - Configuration
6.2 - Transfer certificates
7 - Data Encryption
8 - Bootstrap etcd
9 - Bootstrap Controllers
10 - Bootstrap Worker Nodes
11 - Pod network routing
12 - Kubectl remote config
13 - DNS
14 - Smoketest
Minikube Insecure Docker Registry
Running Ansible via a Bastion host (GCP)
Ansible with docker-compose - Error: Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory
Running Ansible on remote hosts without Python
Ansible for mounting nfs shares
Ansible AWX
Setting up Ansible AWX using a docker environment - Part 1 (the Ansible approach)
Setting up Ansible AWX using a docker environment - Part 2 (the docker-compose approach)
Ansible AWX - Importing Google Cloud Compute instances
Ansible AWX – Using Python to launch a Job template
Ansible AWX - Using Python to create bulk users
Ansible AWX - Using extra variables
Ansible AWX - Importing AWS EC2 instances
Ansible AWX - GitLab integration
Ansible AWX - RESTful API
Ansible AWX - OAuth2 Tokens
Ansible AWX - Launching a Job Template
Ansible AWX - Creating Job Templates
Ansible AWX - Creating Projects
Ansible AWX Adding new target hosts
Lambda with DynamoDB and API Gateway
Lambda with CodePipeline
Setting up a Jenkins build server
Creating an Elastic Load Balancer
Creating a RDS instance
Elastic Beanstalk
Bootstrap Errors
Creating a Code deploy pipeline
Creating an EC2 instance
Apps, Stacks & Constructs
Creating a project in Python
A Jenkins pipeline for creating & merging pull requests in Bitbucket
Using Python to automate the creation & merging of pull requests in Bitbucket
Cloudflare Workers
Fetching data asynchronously
Python Cloudflare Workers
Return HTML
Return JSON
Building a RESTful API using Python & Flask-RESTPlus
A movie news aggregator using Python, Flask & Bootstrap
GitLab CI Automation
Deploying a Hugo site hosted on Firebase using GitLab CI
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day
Pexels Photos Downloader
Hacker News
Visualizing Hacker News stories using Elasticsearch & Kibana
Deleting temporary workspace files within a Jenkins pipeline
Verify SonarQube Code quality gate status, via a Jenkins declarative pipeline
Using Pulumi with Jenkins
Using Pulumi on AWS
Using Pulumi on GCP
Getting started with Pulumi
Salesforce with Jenkins
Salesforce deployment status from Jenkins
Using Python to scrape the Billboard Hot-100 playlist to generate a Spotify playlist