Pexels Photos Downloader
In this post I shall demonstrate how I wrote a HTTP client application in Go to download photos from Pexels.
Pexels provides a platform which allows you to download stock photos and videos for free.
I chose Go as the language to write in since I wanted to learn how to use it.
In order to use the API you will need:
Documentation: RESTful API
- Rate-limited to 200 requests per hour
- 20,000 requests per month
URL | Description |
---|---| |
Photos base URL | | Videos base URL |
The API Key is sent in the HTTP Authorization
request header.
curl -H "Authorization: <API_KEY>" "<QUERY>"
Response example
Truncated Response
"photographer":"Lukas Rodriguez",
As illustrated above the JSON response contains an array of photos.
A Pexels photo can be described as having:
Property | Type |
id |
int |
width | int |
height | int |
url | string |
photographer | string |
photographer_url | string |
photographer_id | int |
src | object |
Client Application
Go type definitions
In the application I defined a new type called pexelPhotoResponse
This type encapsulated the photo object taken from the JSON response.
type pexelPhotoResponse struct {
URL string
TotalResults int `json:"total_results"`
Page int `json:"page"`
PerPage int `json:"per_page"`
Photos []struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Width int `json:"width"`
Height int `json:"height"`
URL string `json:"url"`
Photographer string `json:"photographer"`
PhotographerURL string `json:"photographer_url"`
PhotographerID int `json:"photographer_id"`
Src struct {
Original string `json:"original"`
Large2X string `json:"large2x"`
Large string `json:"large"`
Medium string `json:"medium"`
Small string `json:"small"`
Portrait string `json:"portrait"`
Landscape string `json:"landscape"`
Tiny string `json:"tiny"`
} `json:"src"`
Liked bool `json:"liked"`
} `json:"photos"`
NextPage string `json:"next_page"`
Another type created called args
This type encapsulated the command line arguments provided by a user.
type args struct {
APIKey string `API Key`
Query string `Search Query`
Photos int `Number of Photos to request`
PhotoSize string `Photo size`
Output string `Path to store Photos`
Creating a HTTP request
In the example below a request to the API is created.
Two parameters are defined.
- A sending channel as as a parameter
response chan<- pexelPhotoResponse
- A pointer to the command line arguments
requestArgs args
The rest of the code consumes the response body, in this case this is the JSON encoded response.
json.Unmarshal(body, &responseBody)
Parses the JSON-encoded data and stores the result in the value pointed to by responseBody
points to the address of an object of type pexelPhotoResponse
- which is the struct type described earlier.
//PexelsRequest sender makes request to the API
func PexelsRequest(response chan<- pexelPhotoResponse, requestArgs *args) {
log.Println("Making request for photos.")
client := httpClient()
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", pexelAPI+"/search?query="+requestArgs.Query+"&locale="+defaultLocale+"&per_page="+strconv.Itoa(perPage), nil)
req.Header.Add("Authorization", requestArgs.APIKey)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Request failed ", err)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
log.Fatal("Request status = ", resp.StatusCode)
} else {
log.Println("Response status = ", strconv.Itoa(resp.StatusCode)+" (OK)")
defer resp.Body.Close()
var responseBody pexelPhotoResponse
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error reading body. ", err)
json.Unmarshal(body, &responseBody)
response <- responseBody
defer wg.Done()
Parsing the JSON response
The function below uses a receiver only channel input <-chan pexelPhotoResponse
A loop iterates through the array of photos.
As the user has to input the size of the photo they want to download, the
is used -imageSrc
is then set depending on which size the user had entered -
function creates a file using the unique photo id and appending a ‘.png’ file extension since all the photos are in the same format.
//PexelsResponse processes the response from the API
func PexlesResponse(input <-chan pexelPhotoResponse, requestArgs *args) {
response := <-input
if len(response.Photos) > 0 {
for i := 0; i < response.PerPage; i++ {
imageSrc := ""
switch requestArgs.PhotoSize {
case "original":
imageSrc = response.Photos[i].Src.Original
case "large2x":
imageSrc = response.Photos[i].Src.Large2X
case "large":
imageSrc = response.Photos[i].Src.Large
case "medium":
imageSrc = response.Photos[i].Src.Medium
case "small":
imageSrc = response.Photos[i].Src.Small
case "portrait":
imageSrc = response.Photos[i].Src.Portrait
case "landscape":
imageSrc = response.Photos[i].Src.Landscape
case "tiny":
imageSrc = response.Photos[i].Src.Tiny
panic("invalid image size")
file := createFile(requestArgs.Output + "/" + strconv.Itoa(response.Photos[i].ID) + ".png")
saveFile(file, httpClient(), imageSrc)
if saveCount == requestArgs.Photos {
absPath, _ := filepath.Abs(requestArgs.Output)
getRequestStats(requestArgs.APIKey, httpClient())
log.Println("Photos saved in " + absPath)
if response.NextPage != "" {
PexelsRequest(res, requestArgs, response.NextPage)
PexlesResponse(res, requestArgs)
} else {
log.Println("0 results returned.")
defer wg.Done()
Downloading files
This function takes 3 parameters
- Pointer to a file object //this will be the file to save to
- Pointer to a http client object //this will be used to make the http request for the photo
- A string //this holds the photo src URL to download the photo from
func saveFile(file *os.File, client *http.Client, fullURLFile string) {
resp, err := client.Get(fullURLFile)
defer resp.Body.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(file, resp.Body)
defer file.Close()
base := filepath.Base(file.Name())
log.Println("File " + strconv.Itoa(saveCount) + ", saved as: " + base)
Entrypoint to application.
func main() {
// define command line argument flags
key := flag.String("key", "", "Your API key")
query := flag.String("query", "", "Search term")
photos := flag.Int("photos", 100, "Max number of photos to download.")
photoSize := flag.String("size", "", "Size of the photo to download \n(original,large2x,large,medium,small,portrait,landscape,tiny)\n")
output := flag.String("output", "", "Path to where to store the images")
var inputArgs args
inputArgs.APIKey = *key
inputArgs.Query = *query
inputArgs.Photos = *photos
inputArgs.PhotoSize = *photoSize
inputArgs.Output = *output
// argument validation
// create output directory but only if it doesn't exist
// add a weight group before we call the goroutines
go PexelsRequest(res, &inputArgs, pexelAPI+"/search?query="+inputArgs.Query+"&locale="+defaultLocale+"&per_page="+strconv.Itoa(perPage))
go PexlesResponse(res, &inputArgs)
// block until the goroutine above are complete
Both PexlesResponse()
and PexelsRequest()
functions are called as goroutrines from the main
Since they are running asynchronously, in separate goroutines they needs to be a way to wait from them to finish.
To wait for multiple goroutines to finish wait groups were added to the code.
You may have noticed the use of wg.Done()
and wg.Add()
Add adds delta, which may be negative, to the WaitGroup counter.
If the counter becomes zero, all goroutines blocked on Wait are released. If the counter goes negative, Add panics.
- Done decrements the WaitGroup counter by one.
- Block until the WaitGroup counter goes back to 0; all the workers notified they’re done.
Running the application without any arguments prints the usage.
go run pexels.go
Photos provided by Pexels.
API Restrictions = Rate-limited to 200 requests per hour and 20,000 requests per month.
2020/06/18 17:30:05 Checking supplied arguments.
Usage of pexels:
-key string
Your API key
-output string
Path to where to store the photos
-photos int
Max number of photos to download. (default 100)
-query string
Search term
-size string
Size of the photo to download
2020/06/18 17:30:05 Invalid arguments
exit status 1
This will:
query the API for ’landscapes’ photos
select an original size to download
only download 6 photos to disk
store the downloaded photos into a local directory called ’landscapes’
prints the requests remaining (20,0000 requests are available per month)
go run pexels.go -key=<API_KEY> -query=landscape -size=original -photos=6 -output=/var/tmp/landscapes
Photos provided by Pexels.
API Restrictions = Rate-limited to 200 requests per hour and 20,000 requests per month.
2020/06/18 17:49:30 Checking supplied arguments.
2020/06/18 17:49:31 File 1, saved as: 414171.png
2020/06/18 17:49:32 File 2, saved as: 132037.png
2020/06/18 17:49:33 File 3, saved as: 814499.png
2020/06/18 17:49:33 File 4, saved as: 747964.png
2020/06/18 17:49:33 File 5, saved as: 917494.png
2020/06/18 17:49:33 File 6, saved as: 36717.png
2020/06/18 17:49:34 Requests remaining 1330914
2020/06/18 17:49:34 Photos saved in /var/tmp/landscapes
ls -lrt /var/tmp/landscapes
-rw-r--r-- 1 5.7M Jun 18 17:49 132037.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 13M Jun 18 17:49 814499.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 6.1M Jun 18 17:49 747964.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 1.4M Jun 18 17:49 917494.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 182K Jun 18 17:49 36717.png