Visualizing Hacker News stories using Elasticsearch & Kibana


Over at Hacker News items such as stories (but also comments, jobs, polls ) are added every second.

A story is represented by a title and a URL. A users karma (no. points) are roughly, the number of upvotes on their stories and comments minus the number of downvotes.

I wanted a better way of displaying the popularity of a Hacker News story.

I chose Elasticsearch to index the data as it’s dead easy to setup and use. Alongside Kibana to visualize the data, I had a working solution up and running in less than a day.


Hacker News provides a RESTful API which makes data available in near real time.

The base URI for the API is

Endpoint Description
/topstories.json?print=pretty Returns top stories (~500)
/newstories.json?print=pretty Returns new stories (~500)
/item/\<id>.json?print=pretty Returns story information

Top stories

Making a request for the top stories returns the following JSON.

These are all story IDs.

    22815453, 22813565, 
    22792242, 22813908, 
    22811653, 22815227, 
    22815112, 22813834, 
    22815731, 22812312, 
    22815713, 22810514, 
    22813574, 22811634, 
    22815269, 22794603, 
    22791788, 22804079

New stories

Making a request for the new stories again returns an array of story IDs.

Story information

Here we can get more information regarding a particular story posted on HN.

The URI can be built up using the top/new story ID.


This returns the following JSON.

    "by" : "shortj",
    "descendants" : 47,
    "id" : 22813908,
    "kids" : [ 22815121, 22815383, 22814200, 22815940, 22815951, 22815605, 22815999, 22815381, 22814987, 22815964, 22815312, 22815889, 22816003 ],
    "score" : 114,
    "time" : 1586360523,
    "title" : "Rules for Data Modeling with DynamoDB",
    "type" : "story",
    "url" : ""

More information can be found at

Docker containers

Both Elasticsearch and Kibana are setup within docker containers

docker-compose file

version: "3.7"
      driver: bridge
      name: devops

    restart: always
    image: elasticsearch:7.6.2
      - "9200:9200"
      - "9300:9300"
      discovery.type: single-node
    container_name: elasticsearch
    restart: always
    image: kibana:7.6.2
      - "5601:5601"
    container_name: kibana
  • Elasticsearch docker container

Using a single node discovery type means that there is only 1 master here and this will not join a cluster with another node.

This serves the purpose for development/testing.

Elasticsearch APIs

Create index API

Adds a new index ‘hn-new’ into a Elasticsearch cluster. This index will be used for all HN New stories.

curl -X PUT "<el-host>:9200/hn-new/"

Index mappings

The mappings allows fields inside an index.

  • title = HN story title - type = keyword
  • url = the link to where the story resides on the web - type = keyword
  • score = the no. points currently accumulated - type = integer
  • id = the HN story id - type = integer
  • added = the timestamp on when the HN story was posted - type = keyword

The keyword type ensures we can filter on those fields.

curl -X PUT "<el-host>/hn-new/_mapping/" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
        "properties" : {
            "title" : { "type": "keyword" },
            "url": { "type" : "keyword" },
            "score": { "type" : "integer" },
            "id": { "type" : "integer" },
            "added": { "type" : "keyword" }

Document API

Use this API to add a JSON document to the specified index and also makes it searchable.

PUT /<index>/_doc/<_id>

The <_id> should be a unique identifier and for this I used the HN story ID - since each story ID is unique.

JSON document

With Python I made a HTTP PUT request with a JSON data payload. This payload consisted of.

      "title":"Google’s former CEO hopes coronavirus makes people more “grateful” for Big Tech",
      "added":"2020-04-15 09:57:24"


To visualize the data.

Create index pattern

  • Management > Index patterns

Enter the index pattern to match.

In this example I used hn-new and hn-top since these are the 2 indexes I created.


I chose a horizontal bar chart in this example.


Metrics & axes

Panel settings

Python script

  • Makes a request for the Top & New HN Stories * Indexes the story data in Elasticsearch

More Kibana examples

Line graph



Last updated on 10 Apr 2020
Published on 10 Apr 2020