A Jenkins pipeline for creating & merging pull requests in Bitbucket

Following on from automating the creation of pull requests and merges.


This post will cover integrating the Python script into a Jenkins pipeline.

The different parts of the Jenkins pipeline in Groovy are shown below.


The Bitbucket username/password are stored within the Jenkins credentials. We shall use this to pass into the Groovy script via UsernamePasswordMultiBinding


Giving the user options to either create/merge a pull request.

booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: 'Create Pull-Request', name: 'CREATE_PR')
booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: 'Merge Pull-Request', name: 'MERGE_PR')
// Bitbucket credentials
string(defaultValue: '####', description: 'Stash credential id', name: 'STASH_CRED_VAL')


Adding functions inside the Jenkins pipeline helps in not only visibility but maintainability of the Groovy script.

Creating a pull request

def createPullRequest(){
        [$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.STASH_CRED_VAL}", 
        usernameVariable: 'BITBUCKET_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'BITBUCKET_PASSWORD']
    ]) {
        script {
            sh "python merge.py \
                    --username '$BITBUCKET_USERNAME' \
                    --password '$BITBUCKET_PASSWORD' \
                    --operation 'create-pr1' \
                    --settings './resources/pr.settings'"

Merging a pull request

def mergePullRequest1(){
        [$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.STASH_CRED_VAL}", 
        usernameVariable: 'BITBUCKET_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'BITBUCKET_PASSWORD']
    ]) {
        script {
            sh "python merge.py \
                        --username '$BITBUCKET_USERNAME' \
                        --password '$BITBUCKET_PASSWORD' \
                        --operation 'merge-pr1' \
                        --settings './resources/pr.settings'"
Last updated on 23 Jan 2020
Published on 23 Jan 2020